Why You Will Always Have to Work to Feel Whole
A common theme many authors, philosophers, artists, and now it seems, bodyworkers and therapists continue to explore is the difference...

A Few Things You Should Know If You Want to Study Energy Healing
Yikes, here is the real land of wu-wu; is energy healing right for me? Am I fit to be an energy healer? Do I want to be an energy...

Review of Michael Pollan's Book, "How to Change Your Mind"
So for those of you unfamiliar with Micheal Pollan, he's a journalist, teacher, writer, and some might even say health/dietary activist. ...

Are Emotions Real?
Or are they just a physiological response to stimulus according to how our trauma patterns have shaped over the years? Could it be that...

Stanley Rosenberg Describes the Vagus Nerve in His Book, Accessing the Healing Power of the Vagus Ne
Unlike the sin city many people in our society have grown a love/hate relationship with, what happens in the vagus nerve, shouldn't stay...

Only a Sith Deals in Absolutes
As a bodyworker/healthcare practitioner/energy worker/witch doctor, I make it a point not to share unsavory opinions about other...

Finding The Right Practitioner
Whether you're going to a doctor, psychotherapist, a craniosacral therapist, an energy healer, or an acupuncturist, you'll never get the...

Emotional Tension in the Jaw
Some time ago, when I was studying under Ged Sumner, one of the leading figures in Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy today, he asked for a...

Authenticity, Health, and Flow
It's a challenge when we wear a lot of hats in our daily life, especially ones that aren't on the same rack, and we have trouble figuring...

5G, Are We Pushing Our Limits?
5G is about to be launched and we're all sitting on the edge of our seats for different reasons. Some of us simply can't wait for our...